in Naha City
About us
2024年4月 沖縄・那覇市にOPEN!
OPEN in April 2024 in Naha City, Okinawa.
Near Kokusai Street Avenue, this stand bar specializes in “mojitos” and “caipirinhas” suited to the warm climate.This stand was created as a new style bar where you can enjoy authentic cocktails while relaxing in a standing style.It creates an open space and a special time.
We will create a unique world of latin spirits, including cocktails based on rum and cachaça (Brasilian sugar cane Spirits) and using Okinawa fruits and herbs nurtured by the rich nature.

☆ Cuban Mojito キューバン モヒート
世界で最もバリエーションの多い蒸留酒がラム酒。そのラムベースのカクテルの中でも人気が定着しているのがキューバ発祥のモヒートです。STAND BARでは爽快なキューバスタイルのモヒートをはじめ、フルーツなども多様したさまざまなモヒートを提供いたします。
Rum is the most widely varied spirit in the world, and the mojito is one of the most popular rum-based cocktails. Among rum-based cocktails, the Mojito, which originated in Cuba, is one of the most popular, and STAND BAR offers a variety of Mojitos, including a refreshing Cuban-style Mojito and a variety of fruit cocktails.

☆ Caipirinha カイピリーニャ
Brazil’s national cocktail is the sweet and sour caipirinha, a cachaça-based drink with lime and sugar. We offer a wide variety of styles, from the classic style experienced locally to caipifrutta (fruit caipirinha) and arranged styles using herbs.